Oasis Solutions Blog

Start At the Beginning When Choosing ERP Software

Written by Oasis Solutions | Mar 4, 2015 7:57:45 PM

Selecting ERP software is an important decision, critical to a company’s future performance. However, many selection teams are unequipped to make this decision. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization. ERP software is designed to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions insides the boundaries of the organization and manage the connection to outside stakeholders.

ERP incorporates finance, accounting, manufacturing, sales and service and customer relationship management (CRM) activities into a single software application. Without prior experience, choosing a single system to regulate this information can be arduous task.

While ERP is a business management tool it is important to realize the future users of the systems, not just IT, need to be involved in the decision making process. The users have the best sense of what is needed from an ERP system. Involving these employees in the decision making process will help build of sense of ownership and ensure a successful implementation. IT should play an advisory role in system selection but should not be in charge.

Before evaluating software options, you need to have a clear picture of your business processes, present requirements and potential future requirements. Both IT and users can provide valuable input about the software requirements they have and foresee. Once you have defined your requirements, evaluate potential account or ERP solutions.

Selection of ERP software can be a time and resource consuming project. Before beginning map your selection process, allocate the necessary resources and select a project team. Traditional project management processes apply to a system selection and implementation project. Since selection an ERP systems is often a one-time task, you may find that the experience and skills you need to make the decision are not available in-house. There are many outside resources available to help you make your decision. There are many system selections tools for identifying the software products that offer the functionality you need. Search for ERP Software Selection and similar terms to find companies on sites like FindAccountingSoftware, Inside-ERP, Top10ERP and many more.

Oasis Solutions Group has a Free Checklist to help you start your ERP software search and buying process. View it here