Data Security and Your Customers

A Guide to PCI Compliance

Today, nearly all businesses accept credit and debit cards as a form of payment. To protect your customers’ sensitive data, the payment card industry has recently developed a set of standards known as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or simply PCI-DSS.  As a merchant, you must be compliant with the new PCI-DSS requirements or risk losing your ability to process debit and credit card transactions.  Let’s take a closer look.

Becoming PCI-DSS Compliant

Developed & enforced by the 5 major credit card networks including Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, and Discover, PCI-DSS requirements apply to all businesses that store, process, and transmit cardholder data.  There are 12 requirements that fall into 6 categories as follows:

  • Build and maintain a secure network - includes firewalls and passwords
  • Protect cardholder data - data encryption and storage procedures
  • Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program -  anti-virus and operating system security
  • Access Control Measures - covers both electronic and physical access and handling of sensitive data
  • Monitoring and Testing Networks -  schedule regular tests of security measures
  • Information Security Policy - formalized security policy that’s updated and distributed regularly
PCI-DSS Resources

There is a wealth of information and resources online to help ensure that you are compliant with the relatively new PCI-DSS requirements.  In fact, you’ll find complete details on the official PCI Security Standard website at

The Lighter Side of PCI-DSS

Contact Us and we’ll email you a FREE copy of the e-book “PCI Compliance for Dummies.”

This comprehensive e-book explains how to comply with PCI-DSS requirements, presented in plain English and in a light-hearted fashion.

Or request a copy directly by phone or email to:

Annette Manias
(502) 429-6902 x222