Q&A: Sage 100 ERP: How to Install W-2 1099 Year End IRD Updates

Question: We process Payroll with Sage 100 ERP (formerly Sage MAS90)How do we get and install the W2, 1099 End of Year IRD updates?

Answer:  After the IRS issues new W2 and 1099 forms Sage will create end of year IRD . Updates are available on the Sage support website. Users must be current with their maintenance plan to access those updates.

First step:

Login to the Sage customer support website. If you don’t know where it is contact your Sage reseller for assistance.

The IRD is available for download on the first page of the support website. You can download and save this to your desktop.

Second step:

Install the update:

1)   Run the update install and point to the Sage 100\MAS90 directory.

Written by Mike Renner, Partner WAC Consulting, Owner at Computer Accounting Services. This information originally appeared on ERP VAR.